Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is my PrayerBox- on Fox 11 News TONIGHT

hose of you who have followed my blog, you also know about my beloved Prayer Box I’ve placed at the steepest tip top of Runyon Canyon, a beautiful hillside hike here in Hollywood, California. I first had the vision for this box 2 years ago after an overwhelming sense of gratitude for each day that I’ve taken to hike to the top to pray and “reset” for the day ahead. I wondered if every other person who takes the time to hike these two tall mountains felt the same way after reaching the top… knowing that no matter how hard it feels, how badly you don’t feel like doing it, if you believe and put your best foot forward, you WILL.

Finally, my wonderful hubz made the first box and although it had some mysterious encounters, it had been there for almost a year as it filled up each day with prayers stuffed inside. There were so many prayers that I had to assign friends (thank you Grace and Eliot!) to come every other day if I was away to fill it with more paper and bring some prayers down to friends who can’t make it to the top. Anyone is always invited to send me prayers that I’ll take to the top, with a promise to have one from the box sent back from me. My dear friend Jaeson Mah also created an incredible movie that features the box in his documentary 1040, that features the prayer box. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to receive regular prayers from all over the world, my first from Ghana last week, different languages like Korean, Spanish, and even Hebrew- I even received a prayer from a 6 year old girl named Janie from Ohio who just started writing cursive!

Anyway, it came time that the box needed to be upgraded. In came the answer to my own prayer, Stavros, my dear friend who became the carpenter to bring the PrayerBox 2.0 to life. With prayers of patience and working hours into the night, the box was made, brought to Clairefoster who kicked in the dopest art skillz over the box, and bam. Here’s a pic him and PB 2.o, once it was brought to the top.

Instructions are simple: Leave a prayer, take a prayer.

It’s been only a month that the box has been up and already it’s filling up again. Prayers of hope, peace, individual prayers for loved ones who are hurt, broken, or just in need of love. It’s incredible. So just recently, a fan of the box and brilliant writer/reporter/world traveler/foodie David Fleming, contacted me to cover a story about the box on Fox 11 News. I accepted, more than anything to share my faith that prayer is hope in action, and to encourage everyone to Pray it Forward. The PrayerBox story will air TONIGHT 5/25 10PM on Fox 11 News, and TOMORROW 5/26 morning.

I just realized I look like I’m rapping in this picture.

Anyway enjoy the story tonight, please do make it out to the box if you’re here in LA, or email me at to get your prayers to the top. (Include mailing address if you’d like a prayer sent back.)

As a community together, we each can keep each other lifted in faith and love. Heart you guys. So freakin much


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