Monday, May 3, 2010

Kim K's Blog: Help Dream Foundation's 10,000 in '10 Challenge with ME!

You may know that my family are huge supporters of Dream Foundation. They are an amazing charity that grant wishes to terminally ill people all over America. This year is a very special year for the Dream Foundation.... it will achieve a momentous milestone of fulfilling 10,000th dream!!!

To celebrate this amazing achievement and to commemorate those 10,000 dreamers who are no longer with us, Dream Foundation hope to collect 10,000 gifts in 2010 to help them continue to fulfill even more dreams! There are sooo many ways you provide a gift... anything from sharing the 10,000 in 10 Challenge with your friends on Facebook or Twitter, donating $10, hosting a 'Dream Theme' party with 10 of your friends.... SO many ways!

Dolls, we can all do something here to help! Click on the image below to find out all the ways you can help!

I also want to take a minute to remember Jenni and Carol Ann, two amazing, beautiful girls who I was lucky enough to meet before they sadly passed away. Dream Foundation made Jenni and Carol Ann's final dreams come true, and I'm so grateful I got the chance to spend time with them. My gift is dedicated to you, dolls!


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