Monday, May 3, 2010

Kim Kardashian Talks Nude Shoot & Single Life

In recent interviews Kim has talked a lot about body image, weight loss and her recent nude shoot for Harper’s Bazaar. Kim is of course also asked about her newfound single life. Read some quotes from her below:

On going nude for Harper’s Bazaar:
“I did a nude shoot when I was 15 pounds heavier – un-retouched, cellulite – so what? I don’t think cellulite is cute, but I’ve been working out all year, and I thought I would reward myself. So I said, ‘Why not?’ When the shoot came about I said yes, and I think it worked out really well. It empowers me – it makes me feel accomplished – it shows me that I’ve reached my goals – I’m not the type of girl who can eat whatever she wants. It is a challenge. It is hard for me. I am not one of those skinny girls.”

On being a single girl:
“I feel very blessed, happy to be single, focusing on my work life – living on my own and living in my life. I would say to women follow your heart, and have fun. Just make sure that no-one makes you feel bad … I was fortunate to have a good relationship and have it end in a positive way. It makes me sad when people stay in a negative relationship and don’t know their self worth and refuse to move on. I’m very happy. The thing is I can’t remember the last time I was single. It’s not something I’m used to so that’s weird for me. I like to be in a relationship as long as it’s with the right guy.”

Sources: FOX News & Showbiz Spy


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