Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kim K's Blog: Personal Pics: Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Today is Earth Day! Being all the way on the other side of the world and being lucky enough so see so many beautiful places and meet so many fabulous people really makes me appreciate how wonderful our planet is and how fortunate we are. We've all seen recently how fragile the earth can be, with so many earthquakes occurring around the world and then with the volcano eruption in Iceland literally preventing thousands of people traveling. These are things that we can't control... but there are so many things we can control in our own lives to help sustain our planet, conserve energy and educate people around us about the dangers facing our planet. Just because you and I won't be here forever, doesn't mean we shouldn't do what we can while we are here to make sure our kids, our kids kids and generations down the line can see the world as we see it now. I want Mason to be able to see all the beautiful places I've seen :) There are so many things you can do today, and every day, to be green! Whether it's turning the water off while you brush your teeth, reusing your shopping bags, riding your bike instead of driving, turn the lights of when you leave a room (I'm reallllyyy OCD about this) or planting a tree in your garden! We all planted a vegetable garden at mom's house last year! What are you guys doing to be green??

Happy Earth Day everyone!


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