Monday, March 29, 2010

Demi Moore hits out at Kim Kardashian on Twitter

Demi Moore has hit out at Kim Kardashian on Twitter for misusing the word ‘pimping’.

Moore, 47, started the drama when she saw Kardashian, 29, post a message on Twitter saying: ‘Big pimpin w @SerenaJWilliams @LaLaVazquez.’

The actress didn’t seem to be too impressed with the comments and wrote a message to the reality star.

She said: ‘No disrespect I love a girls night out but a pimp and pimping is nothing more than a slave owner!’

Moore added: ‘If we want to end slavery we need to stop glorifying the ‘pimp’ culture.’

However, her followers weren’t impressed with Moore’s comments and sent her messages saying Kardashian obviously didn’t mean it ‘literally’.

Moore replied: ‘It’s not her! iwe have allowed it 2 B considered cool, but it still is what it its!’

Kardashian then defended her own comments and said: ‘Nothing wrong with dancing to Big Pimpin’ by Jay Z in the club! Having a girls night out, gotta love that song!’

Moore added: ‘Just so ya’ll are clear I like @KimKardashian I was just making a point about how we have used a word and desensitized the real meaning.

‘Clearly I stirred up a s**t storm, but 2 create change U have 2 be willing 2 take a risk and be willing 2 provoke thought & conversation.’

Kardashian agreed and said: ‘Good point!Iagree! It was just a song not literal’.



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